About us

Donations and bequests

SIK-ISEA finances its research projects entirely out of contributions received from foundations, benefactors and providers of grants. A considerable proportion of our costs for the library, archives and online lexicon SIKART are also met from private sources.

Would you like to make a donation or a bequest to the Institute, or to support a particular project? The Institute’s managing director, Prof. Dr. Roger Fayet, will be happy to discuss it with you personally.

The picture sequence below illustrates a selection of projects your donation can help to make happen:

Project: Ottilie W. Roederstein. Catalogue raisonné de l’œuvre peint. Legend: Self-Portrait in a Hat, 1904, oil on canvas, 55.3 x 46.1 cm, Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Inv. SG 134

Project: Félix Vallotton illustrateur. Catalogue raisonné online und gedruckte Monografie. Legend: Le Cri de Paris, 23. Januar 1898, von L’Age du papier illustrierter Umschlag, Zeichnung von Félix Vallotton, Fondation Félix Vallotton, Lausanne, Foto: Fondation Félix Vallotton, Lausanne

Please use the following bank account for your donation:

IBAN CH76 0483 5030 8188 4100 0


Model formulation for making a bequest to SIK-ISEA 




Prof. Dr. Roger Fayet
T +41 44 388 51 51; roger.fayet@sik-isea.ch