
Interdisciplinary symposium

Avant-Gardes Focused Through Art Criticism. A Tribute to Carola Giedion-Welcker (1893–1979)

Can you be born ahead of your time and still find an audience? It is a dilemma that faces every avant-garde artist who rejects mainstream taste and yet hopes to be a commercial success. Art criticism is an instrument that can help the creative worker to achieve both: revolutionary innovation and public recognition.

Avant-Gardes Focused Through Art Criticism. A Tribute to Carola Giedion-Welcker (1893–1979)

A publication by SIK-ISEA now investigates the conflicted relationship between artists, art critics and the public. The new book focuses on the art historian Carola Giedion-Welcker.

Abstracts 22.10.2009
Abstracts 23.10.2009